How to buy
Before shopping
We recommend to Register and Log in first to get full functionality of our e-shop. You may see My profile, My orders, My benefits, My favorites, Change password, Cancel registration sections.
Putting products in the cart
Choose products you like and place a number of required items in the shopping cart. You can see the status of our stock immediately with all the products. Choose as many products and items as you need.
You may ask for product availability or other information about the product. |
You may put any product in Your favorites and get back to it later. |
Prices are displayed in EUR or CZK without VAT.
Product availability
Most of our products are In stock or available very soon. If the goods are not in our stock we will be happy to inform you about availability.
You may place any “out of stock” product in your cart too, we will deliver as soon as possible. Generally, we dispatch the order as complete after all the required goods are in stock and after receiving the payment.
It is possible to have your order delivered in multiple parcels. Just tick the option Partial delivery (two shipments) in your order. We will ship the order as you wish. Keep in mind that increased transportation costs are paid by customer.
Check out
Once you have finished choosing products go to the Check out in the upper part of our e-shop. It may look like this:
Step 1 is a summary of your order with total price.
If there is a special sale you may Enter your discount code here. The section Sale gives information on our special offers and discounts.
Here you put in your address. Logged in customers have their address prefilled. Shipping address needs to be filled in only when it differs from the invoicing one.
Select a preferred way of shipment and payment.
It is possible to use these ways of shipping:
- Pick up in central store in (Jicin, The Czech Republic)
- TNT, UPS or DPD transport
- Use my own shipping account - fill in your preferred logistics company name you’re your account number
Time of delivery depends on a chosen shipper. The parcel shall reach your address within maximum of 7 working days.
It is possible to use these ways of payment:
- Cash
- Bank transfer (proforma invoice)
- Credit card
It is always possible to use the payment information in proforma invoice that is attached with confirmation e-mail when finishing your order.
Confirmation gives the whole order summary to make sure.
After submitting an order a confirmation e-mail with a proforma invoice is sent to your e-mail.
Information about your order processing is sent to your e-mail and is available in your e-shop profile too.
All the detailed information is in Conditions of sale.